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UPDATE: SORTING MY LIFE OUT once again & I turned 20…


I’m SORRY for being a failure at blogging and trying to keep you up to date with my life, travelling and blog posts etc etc. I admire you lot who post consistently every week or every few days without getting distracted like me who i’m sure could be easily diagnosed on the scale of having ADHD because I cant focus.

BUT I am back from the lands of India after weeks of travelling, blog posts that I’ve started and need to finish about my travels and recommendations for the beautiful country.

So with the culture shock slightly fading and realising I can’t barter for everything I see; I am getting into the swing of things once more (also my bowels are getting there; sorry did you need to know that, no, but you do now.)

I’ve had my birthday and I have reached the ripe old age of 20, holy crap fish sticks what have I done with my life? But it was incredible. I spent it in the wonderful part of India known as Madurai, in which I woke up to my tour bus looking like this:


Then a cycle rickshaw around the town.




Gave a bunch of pens to some wonderful village children (this is also all they wanted or paper for school, can you see why I’m having culture shock with the spoilt brats surrounding me in England?)


We visited a temple about fertility with a ritual AND NO I AM NOT BECOMING A MOTHER ANYTIME SOON (I can’t for the next 6 months anyhow because of the zika virus). I cant even look after air plants, which all they need is air and light… and they died… Then to the evening which was followed by dinner, a surprise birthday cake and many drinks.










Yes I had a few minor freak outs which included me rocking on the bed whispering to myself “I’m nearly 20, I’m nearly 20, I’m nearly 20, oh f*ck.” But I’ve come to terms with it; I am no longer a teenager, I still haven’t sorted my life out and I still don’t act my age.

I’m also coming up to 700 followers with no idea how this happened. I’ll say it once more, I’m terrible with my consistent posting, but this is mad and thank you so much!!! My goal by the end of this year is to somehow reach 1000 followers and to take this damn wonderful blogging hobby seriously.

Anywaaayyyyy SHOUT OUT TO: for their comment on my last post about seeing the Taj Mahal I loved it.

And of course I can’t choose just one so here’s to: I know need to see Angkor Wat and also for being such a long term follower of mine thank you! for their description on Palace of Versailles in France!! for also having followed me for the long run and I can’t help myself when anyone says the Taj Mahal as their favourite place, it is truly stunning.

So next question for a shout out in my next post is:

When was your life crisis, how old were you and what was it about?

Anyway enough blabbing, happy blogging beans, (hopefully hear from me soon)



5 thoughts on “UPDATE: SORTING MY LIFE OUT once again & I turned 20…

  1. A very happy, crazy and rewarding year ahead. Hope you enjoyed the stay in Madurai and would revisit to explore other beautiful parts of my country.
    I wouldn’t call this my life crisis, but when I was 24 years old I was confronted with the reality of making the hardest choice in my life, Dream Job or Family! And as there are no shades of grey on my canvas, it was easy to prioritize. I left my job in the army to be with my parents.


  2. Happy Birthday!!!! What an amazing place to turn 20! It looks like you had a great day and definitely one to remember! Enjoy this time in your life, don’t freak out, you have many more fantastic adventures awaiting you…life has a funny way of working itself out. And thank you so much for the mention đŸ™‚ I really enjoy your blog and I am not surprised in the slightest that you have so many followers…and I’m sure you’ll reach your target without too much trouble at all! I look forward to reading more about your travels in due course đŸ™‚


  3. The most interesting people wear never sorting out their life on their sleeve at 20, 40, 80. The dull ones try to hide the fact they don’t have all the answers. It’s better to be interesting and see some cool stuff along the way.


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